National Planning Framework 4 - a community response

NPF4 Position Statement Response

Southside Community Council (SCC) supports the emphasis in the Position Statement on addressing climate change and the requirement of the planning system to help achieve net zero targets. We welcome its statement of intent with regard to creating a wellbeing economy, and its aim of achieving better and greener places.

All of the above are admirable high-level aims which invite agreement; however, SCC would expect to see in the draft and adopted NPF4 much greater detail and action-planning as to how these aims are to be achieved by planning and more widely.

With regard to the planning system, we believe that all of its stakeholders have a role to play. Strong policies are needed at national and local level on which local authorities can confidently base planning decisions, and which will create new development proposals that fit with the ethos of NPF4. We are not aware of research as to what influence previous versions of NPF4 have had beyond setting national developments – the new status of NPF4, we hope, will allow a new direction to be set in particular for the development of new homes.

SCC would offer the following further observations based on our experience of planning and place:

You can read the Scottish Government's Position Statement here.