Traffic Orders

The way trafiic orders are advertised is changing because of the Corona Virus pandemic. In a letter to the Community Council, the City of Edinburgh Council told us:

"As you will undoubtedly be aware, the ongoing situation with Coronavirus continues to have an impact on how City Of Edinburgh Council delivers many of its services. Some of those impacts involve how the Council is able to comply with legislative requirements when it comes to advertising Orders, as well as to (for example) placing documents on deposit at our offices so that they can be viewed by the public.

The Scottish Government, recognising that there would be legislative requirements that related to a range of services provided by Scottish Local Authorities (including Planning, Licensing and traffic orders) recently passed a piece of legislation (The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020) that makes temporary provisions to allow these legal processes to continue. The Act effectively removes any legal requirements that might increase the likelihood of spreading or transmitting coronavirus, whilst encouraging local authorities to adopt alternative methods of imparting important information to interested or affected parties.

The Council's Policy and Sustainability Committee recently approved a recommendation to adopt temporary measures related to the processing, advertising and making of various types of road-related orders. These temporary measures mean that, until further notice, the Council will not:
1. Erect street notices for any Traffic Regulation Order (including temporary or experimental orders), Roads (Scotland) Order, Speed Limit Order or Orders processed in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act;
2. Place any documents on deposit linked to any of the aforementioned orders at Waverley Court or any other Council building

In place of these measures, all correspondence will direct interested parties to the Council's website, where the existing pages have been amended to include additional detail of Orders at different stages of the legal process, as well as including details of all TTROs that are currently in effect. "