Monday 12th June 2017
The Gray Room, Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh, EH8 9QZ

Present: Joan Carter( J C), Deborah Charlesworth(CD),Liz Logie(LL), Philip McDowell(PM), Scott Paterson(SP), Tim Pogson(TP) David Wood(DW, Chair,CDT)

Apologies: Robert Hodgart(RH), Kaaren Houghton(KH), Svetlana Rapanova(S R), David Benyon

Also Present: Police Officer Neil MacKay
Councillor Ian Perry
David White, Strategic Lead, Primary Care and Public Health, NHS Lothian.
7 Members of the public + 1 Guide dog in training (Poppy)

  1. Welcome.

  2. Police Report: Officer MacKay reported on the successes of the ongoing Operation Eagle tackling drug related offences.

    He also reported getting to grips with Anti-social behaviour in Nicholson Square.

    There has been an increase in the number of armed police at large social gatherings, the present threat level is Severe.

  3. G.P. Provision: David White spoke about the present and future Strategic Plan for the area using slides to illustrate the challenges facing NHS Lothian’s provision of satisfactory care.

    The animated discussion following the presentation revealed discrepancies between theory and practice.

    The slides are available for scrutiny on the SSCC website here.

  4. The May Minutes: These were accepted. TP thanked those associated with the Clean-up on Saturday,13th May

  5. Councillors Report. Councillor Perry was congratulated on his re-election to the CEC council. He reported that a new structure would be in place soon. N.B A coalition agreement was reached on the 9th June.

  6. Reports from Meetings: TP reported the findings of a meeting with the Underbelly regarding Festival arrangements.

    James Gilmour, representing the East Parkside Proprietors Association, strongly expressed a need for close liaison with Holyrood Park Management on improvements to cycling/walking infrastructure. The new proposals give concern about safety issues.

    Causey Development. DW referred all parties to the CDC website for details about new proposals.

    KH and JC have joined the Committee of The Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.

    Secretary ‘s Report. DC detailed letters sent on behalf of SSCC.

    All reports are available on the website.

  7. Matters of Public Concern. Further concerns were raised regarding the effects of more food outlets opening in Clerk Street. One example of ill effects is fat waste choking drains. Removal is expensive and the costs are presently being met by local residents. IP would consider the need for rescinding licences and prosecuting offenders as a health and safety issue.

    The Odeon development. An objection to the application for a late licence will be lodged.

    The next meeting will be held on September 11th 2017.