Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 56th meeting, held on Wednesday 10 May 2006, from 7pm - 9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CDP = City Development Dept; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; EF = Environmental Forum; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Jo Scott {JS}; Elected Members: Giulia Dawson {GD}, Jan Fraser {JF}(Treasurer), Linda Hendry {LH} (Vice Chairperson), and Carol McHugh {CMcH}; Local Interest Group Nominated Members: Colin Christison {CC}(Secretary), Mary Devine {MD}, and Jean Downie {JD}; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton {RB}, and Helen Butler {HB}; South Side & Nelson Hall Community Centres Facilities Co-ordinator: Justine Stansfield {JSt}; Lothian & Borders Police: Sgt Kevin Gill; Duddingston House Properties: Charles Martin, and Lezley Cameron; Members of the Public: Two.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed those present to the meeting. She said that this would be her last meeting as Chairperson. Apologies for absence were received from Claire MacGregor (Tree Warden), Kathleen Newis, Keith Smith {KS}, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Cunningham, Sarah Boyack MSP, Inspector Steven Gibb, and PC Ben Merrick.

2. Presentation by Charles Martin, Duddingston House Properties, on proposals for the former Odeon site

Jo Scott introduced Charles Martin and Lezley Cameron. Charles Martin thanked members for the opportunity to discuss proposals for the former Odeon Cinema site in Clerk Street, following a suggestion from Cllr Cairns that he do so. He outlined the recent history of the site, saying that the cinema closed in 2002, when it was bought by DHP, and went on the market in 2003. He made a comparison with the Cameo cinema, which also appeared to be unsuitable for the demands of today’s modern cinema-going audiences. The site had been extensively marketed, and despite a nine-month campaign, there was no purchaser in sight. It was clear that there would be no local or planning and licensing support for a late-night place of entertainment, and a PA for postgraduate student accommodation had been withdrawn when it became clear that there was opposition to the proposal, because of the mass and scale of the redevelopment as well as the fact that it was not made clear that the accommodation would be for postgraduate students. The premises will not be used as a Fringe venue this year. The marketing is however continuing.

The new proposals are that the Art Deco facade, the reception area, lobby, and the mezzanine cafe area be retained, with the creation of a cafe/restaurant there, and that the present shell to the rear (housing the five cinemas) be redeveloped internally, to create a budget hotel accommodating some 250 rooms, with access from Buccleuch Street. There would be an internal courtyard, and windows would be created in the exterior brickwork in a sympathetic way. It is considered that there is a dearth of affordable one and two star budget hotels in the city, and with the proximity of the University there would be opportunities to let rooms to education and conference delegates, as well as to tourists. The proposal would not be for a backpackers hotel, i.e. there would be en-suite facilities. The present building will deteriorate if not soon put to good use.

Duddingston House Properties are very willing to have a debate about the future of the site. There were questions from members, who raised issues about parking, traffic flow, foot flow, licensing, and the possibility of making a site visit.

Jo Scott and the members thanked Charles and Lezley for attending.

Afterwards members discussed the matter, and it was clear that there were mixed feelings. It was acknowledged that it was a pity to have the premises unoccupied, and if there was no possibility of a cinema, then some form of redevelopment as accommodation would be preferable to a night-club. It was considered that DHP might like to arrange a public meeting to air their proposals to a wider audience.

3. Police Report

Sgt Kevin Gill said that he had been in the L&B Police Force for 10 years, and was based at the St Leonard’s Station. He described some of the recent operations in the Dumbiedykes area. In the Southside area as a whole, there had been some housebreaking, with one arrested individual admitting to 20 such crimes, and although he pled guilty, he was released for reports. There had been reports of youth disorder in Clerk Street, South Clerk Street, and Gifford Park, and a report of an off-licence selling alcohol to minors. The alcohol disorder unit was monitoring matters. It was stressed that people should report instances of alcohol being sold to minors to the Police. He discussed the problems relating to Hunter Square, and Chambers Street. Questions to Sgt Gill included tables on the street outside pubs and restaurants, cycling through red lights, and the problem of noise caused by people talking outside pubs in the small hours related to the ban on smoking in public buildings.

Jo and those present thanked Sgt Gill for attending.

4. Minutes of Meeting of 12 April 2006

Approved; proposed by RB, and seconded by JF.

5. Matters arising

5.1 Item 10.5 - there were still goods for sale on the pavement outside the second hand dealer’s shop at 46a South Clerk Street, although the clutter was perhaps not as intrusive as before.

5.2 Item 14.3 - the hole in the hoarding around the gap site in Nicolson Square was still there.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 The Secretary distributed a list of SCC meetings dates for 2006-2007. These are on the second Wednesday of the month, except for July and August.

6.2 He said that he and Jo Scott had moved all the SCC files from their own homes into the rear office of the Nelson Hall. The Community Council had kindly been provided with the use of two filing cabinets, and items had been filed under about 70 categories for use by future office bearers.

6.3 He said that the next meeting of the Edinburgh Civic Forum would take place on 18 May, and that he and JS would attend, and other members were also welcome.

6.4 He said that members were invited to attend the Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel meeting on 16 May, on the subject of ASBOs.

6.5 The SE had sent details of the 2006 ‘Standing up to Antisocial Behaviour Awards Scheme’, and the Secretary distributed leaflets on the subject.

6.6 He had received information about involving service users in the CEC’s Housing Strategy.

6.7 The SCC had been asked to participate in a survey on volunteering strategy for the CEC.

6.8 He said that the next Central LDC meeting would be held at Tynecastle Stadium on 17 May, and that he and JS and others would attend.

6.9 The first AGM of the Edinburgh Community Representatives Network would be held on 17 May.

6.10 The SCC had been asked to comment on the Edinburgh & Lothians Structure Plan Review 2020, and a Vision for Capital Growth 2020-2040, as well as the draft Edinburgh City Local Plan, before 30 June 2006, and it was agreed to circulate the papers to those members who felt able to make a response.

6.11 The SCC had submitted a response to the City Development, Planning and Strategy Dept, on the revised policy guideline on automatic teller machines. This had been prompted by BT’s proposals to introduce ATM payphones, which would replace a limited number of public telephone boxes. The SCC agreed with the CEC that this reuse of phone boxes be resisted, especially since the CEC’s aim was to remove redundant items of street furniture.

6.12 The Secretary had been informed that an order had been placed for a bench in memory of the late Robin Cook MP. A ceremony to place the bench outside the Community Centre would be arranged after consultation with Robin Cook’s son Chris.

6.13 He had received details of the summer arrangements for the Community Centre.

6.14 The next joint Southside Community Event would take place between 5.30pm and 7.00pm on Wednesday 14 June, in the gardens (weather permitting, otherwise in the cafe) of Nicolson Square Methodist Church.

6.15 Some members of a Belgian Community group would join locals for an informal social evening at the Community Centre on 17 May.

6.16 CC said that the Egyptian teachers who are studying at Moray House were keen to meet locals and improve their conversational English. There had been some get-togethers in the past, and it was hoped that something could be arranged.

6.17 The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency would like to help give people knowledge and skills on environmental and other matters, and an open day had been arranged for 20 May at the Pentland Community Centre.

6.18 Various workshops in May and June had been arranged on Edinburgh’s draft Core Path Plan; details were available.


The Secretary said that he had heard from the Returning Officer, Councillor Robert Cairns, that eight nominations had been received by the closing date of 25 April, and that this number was sufficient to form a new Community Council, though not enough to require a ballot. These are: Robert Beaton, Colin Christison, Linda Hendry, Robert Hodgart, Hilary McDowell, Jo Scott, Justine Stansfield, and Liz Walker.

Six organisations had put forward requests for members to be nominated as representatives of local interest groups. These are: Dumbiedykes Environmental Group (Elizabeth Mulligan), New Pleasance Residents’ Association (George Pitcher), Nicolson Square Methodist Church (Kathleen Newis), Parkside Terrace Residents’ Association (Idris Bozyil), South Side & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (Mary Devine), and the Southside Association (Margaret Bagan).

Arrangements had been made for the new Community Council to hold an AGM, when new office bearers will be elected.

7. Treasurer’s Report

7.1 JF said that the most recent bank balance was £610.39.

7.2 Copies of the audited accounts were distributed and considered. These should be approved at the AGM.

8. Correspondence

8.1 Scottish Natural Heritage publication ‘Making a difference for Scotland’s Species’.

8.2 Request from CEC for nominations for success in sport awards.

8.3 Information from Scottish Water about investment in Edinburgh’s water supply, with reference to Alnwickhill treatment works.

8.4 Working Capital March 2006 Issue.

8.5 CEC’s Leader’s Report for May.

8.6 ‘The Local Column’, the newsletter of the Local Channel (Community Council website organisation) for April. Website - www.thelocalchannel.co.uk.

8.7 Jo Scott circulated a photograph of the CEC’s Community Council 25th Anniversary Civic Reception.

8.8 Information on the annual ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ competition and exhibition. Website - wasteaction@edinburgh.gov.uk.

8.9 Minutes of the Edinburgh Traffic Forum’s January meeting, and details of the AGM to be held on 16 May.

8.10 ‘Centrepiece’ March newsletter from Edinburgh City Centre Management Co Ltd.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

9.1 Planning - Application to subdivide flat at 55 South Clerk Street refused.

9.2 Planning - Install a 12m high streetworks monopole supporting 3 no units antennas etc by the Royal Commonwealth Pool (SCC objected on 18.9.05) - granted. SEE ITEM 13 (below).

9.3 HMO Licence Applications - 4 received in period since last meeting.

10. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

The Edinburgh Parks and Gardens Open Day was on 6 May, and the shared tenement garden at 60 South Clerk Street was visited by a great many people. Congratulations were offered to the residents involved, especially Julian Bukits.

11. Reports from Meetings, Seminars, & Conferences Attended:-

11.1 Southside Association (2 May)

Attended by CC, MD, JF, CMcH, and KS. This was the AGM, at which new office bearers were elected, and this was followed by a film entitled ‘Pull It Doon’ about the removal of many tenements in the South Side in the 1970s. A DVD of this film is now available - details from CC.

11.2 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (9 May)

Attended by CC, CMcH, KS, and JSt. The regular five-yearly review of the Centre would be carried out by the Children & Families Dept in June, looking particularly at Planning and Management, Community Capacity Building, and Partnership Working. Routine matters such as maintenance and lets were discussed. The Centre would again be used for Fringe performances in August.

11.3 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (various dates)

Attended by LH, who reported that two meetings a month had been held in the three months since she had last attended the SCC, including a Strategy day, and to discuss the proposed move to St Ann’s Community Centre. There had been pressure from the CEC to move by this summer, but the sale of Riddle’s Court has not happened, and the refurbishment of the South Bridge Resource Centre has been held up. A steering group has been established to facilitate the move. Reductions in CYP funding, including transitional SIP, and Scottish Enterprise’s difficulties mean that the hours of two employees had been slightly reduced. Donations were also required, especially towards the cost of residential trips for the children over the summer period. e.g. Ratho, or a Youth Hostel. The SCC donated the sum of £75.00 towards these trips.

11.4 South LDC EF2 (19 April)

Held in the Nelson Hall, and attended by CC, and JS, who reported that this part of the South Local Development Committee Environmental Forum had been successful in establishing the views of locals and that there was a general improvement in street cleansing, and a reduction in street furniture. Minutes are available.

11.5 South LDC (24 April)

Held at Liberton High School and attended by JS, who said that there had been a report on local policing plans for 2006-7 as well as other business. Minutes will become available.

11.6 Quartermile Good Neighbour Relations Group (9 May)

Attended by JS, who said that an update had been given on the redevelopment of the former Royal Infirmary site. There were ongoing negotiations with the Planning Dept regarding new applications which included demolition of the Red Home. There would be just one species of tree planted on the site (Pin oak) and these were being grown in southern England at the moment. Demolition of the former Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion would take place at the end of July. There were problems with cables and ducting near Chalmers Street. The sales office would open in September.

12. Any other Competent Business

12.1 JS said that there had been a good attendance at the Caltongate Community Planning Day.

12.2 JS said that the Holyrood ITC Centre was struggling for funds in order to stay open.

12.3 RB wondered when the pedestrian crossing lights would be installed at East Crosscauseway. where the work to realign the roadway had been completed. Afternote - work is now complete.

13. Open Forum

Further to Item 9.2 (above) Dr Gilmour said that he had submitted an objection to the PA last September, and he was disappointed that it had been granted. He was of the opinion that the photomontage relating to the application gave a misleading impression of the visual intrusion. He highlighted the fact that Vodafone prefer to use a combined lamppost and telecoms mast in locations such as this, and that a ‘lamppost swap-out’ might be the answer, meaning one fewer piece of street furniture, and a lessening of the visual intrusion. He has written to the planning department and to local councillors urging them to consider these combined poles, and to sort out any ownership and insurance liability issues. The SCC would write to the PD in support of the investigation of this possibility.

14. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 14 June, at 7pm, in the Nelson Hall.