Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 62nd meeting, held on Wednesday 10 January 2007, from 7pm - 9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB}; Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson) {LH}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell {HM}, Jo Scott {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Idris Bozyil {IB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and George Pitcher {GP}; Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; Members of the Public: Seven.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting, and wished them a Happy New Year. Apologies for absence were received from Jean Downie {JD}, Carol McHugh {CM}, Keith Smith {KS}, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Cunningham, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. New voting arrangements for local authority elections to be held in May 2007 - a talk by Dr James Gilmour, from the Electoral Reform Society

Robert Beaton introduced Dr Gilmour, who gave an illustrated talk on the two voting systems to be used for the Local Government and the Scottish Parliament elections on 3 May. For the Scottish Parliament we shall use the AMS (Additional Member System) in regions and constituencies, and for Local Authorities we shall use, for the first time, STV (Single Transferable Vote) in multi-member wards. Dr Gilmour contrasted the two systems.

AMS                                                            STV

Party Proportional Representation                  Voter Proportional Representation

Party based                                                Voter based

One ballot paper (not two as previously)        One ballot paper

Vote for Region and Constituency                  Vote for ward, returning 3 or 4 members

In the new ward, called Southside/Newington, there will be four members returned. There are no party lists, and voters must mark their preferences in order using 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. The cross (X) will no longer be used in Local Authority Elections. Candidates will be listed on the ballot paper in alphabetical order. Voters may record preferences for as many or as few candidates as they wish, and the vote will count, provided that ‘1’ is used, and then other choices follow consecutively. Ballot papers will be scanned and counted electronically. More information is available on www.votescotland.com. There will be a great deal of publicity in due course. The Electoral Reform Society has an office in Hanover Street, and further information can be obtained there.

Members asked a number of questions. It was explained that the scanning method will be sophisticated and reliable, with doubtful voting papers put aside for later verification. The machines can handle 7,000 papers per hour. The method of transferring of votes was explained fully. Plump voting does not work.

Dr Gilmour distributed some information leaflets about the new arrangements, and members thanked him for his presentation.

3. Police Report

PC Merrick reported on some local criminal activity. ‘Operation Align’ was taking place, with the aim of making police boundaries co-terminous with the new council boundaries, and he outlined changes to his area of policing responsibility. Four new police officers per shift would be on duty at St Leonard’s, as well as five new community officers. The new Divisional Commander is George Simpson. Inspector Gibb would be moving in April. During a question and answer session it was reported that the padlocks of garages in East Parkside had been broken, and items stolen, by teenagers, and concern was expressed about parking on pavements on Sundays in Salisbury Road, and information was given on reporting this problem to the Police.

4. Minutes of meeting of 13 December 2006

Subject to the correction that the heading for Item 10.1 should have read ‘Friends of the Parks’, and not ‘Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links’, the minutes were approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by LW.

5. Matters arising

5.1 Item 4.1: still awaiting feedback from Edinburgh Leisure.

5.2 Item 4.3: planning for the 2008 Meadows Festival had not started.

5.3 Item 5.9: JD had applied for a place on the NHS Lothian pharmacy committee.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 CC said that the next Central LDC meeting will take place on 17 January at St Bride’s Centre, and the South LDC meeting on 19 February, at Liberton High School. Before each meeting there will be an opportunity to view the new ward boundary maps, and other material relating to the May 2007 Local Government Elections, and ask questions.

6.2 He reminded members of training opportunities for members of community councils which would take place in the near future in various locations throughout the city. He asked members to give him their names for the dates on which they wished to attend.

6.3 He said that the Community Council section of the CEC website now contained a subsection devoted to CC minutes, and an increasing number of such minutes were now being posted there.

6.4 The South Edinburgh public meeting on the NHS Lothian Primary Care Modernisation Strategy would take place on 31 January from 6pm until 8pm in the European Room.

6.5 Papers outlining the outcome of the public consultation on the NHS Lothian Children and Young People Health Strategy 2006-2015 were now available, and they are available on line at www.cyp.scot.nhs.uk.

6.6 He distributed copies of the December 2006 Issue of the CEC’s Community Council newsletter.

6.7 An analysis of responses to the SE’s discussion paper, ‘What can we do to help CCs fulfil their role?’ had been received, as well as a summary of the 21 recommendations. The former would be read in turn by those interested, and copies of the latter had been sent to members by the Secretary in late December.

6.8 The Secretary said that a research student from Princeton University, NJ, had been in touch with him, requesting some information about local planning and delivery of public policies. CC said that he would liaise with the student and RB, and other interested members.

6.9 Some MSc students from the University of Edinburgh who study participation in policy and planning would shortly be in touch to find out more about the role of Community Councils.

6.10 He said that Terry Levinthal, director of the Scottish Civic Trust, would give a talk on modernising Scotland’s heritage, and the role of the Buildings at Risk Register, on 15 January.

7. Treasurer’s Report

JSt said that the bank balance stood at £804.48.

8. Correspondence

The following items had been received: centrepiece January 2007 issue, Issue One of the Reprovision Project for the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, the 2005/6 Annual Performance Report of the CEC, an invitation from Blackhall Community Association to join their ‘Bring back our Buses Campaign’ (the SCC agreed to sign, as did some individuals), the Edinburgh University Students’ Association’s Local Government Manifesto for the 2007 Edinburgh Council elections, an interim environmental report on the strategic environmental assessment of the draft Edinburgh City Local Plan was available and comments are invited, ‘Small Places, Big Issues’ a report on a seminar produced on behalf on Craigmillar Community Council, letter advising that objections to the controlled parking scheme (parking permits for retailers and traders) should be submitted by 1 February, and the December minutes from Tollcross CC. LH distributed copies of the CYP 2006 Annual Report.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Reports


9.1 Alterations at 23 St Leonard’s Bank, objection lodged previously; PA granted.

9.2 PA to erect 4 flats at Reekie’s Court; committee will examine plans.

9.3 PA for installation of sound attenuating acoustic splitters, to reduce noise levels, to existing 2 no. chillers located in an external compound + 1 no. chiller located in the car park at 15 Dalkeith Road (Scottish Widows); a letter of support will be sent.

9.4 A copy of a recent Planning Advice Note from the SE on the subject of fly-posting had been obtained.

10. Environmental Matters

10.1 HM said that she had written to Margaret Jamieson MSP asking for suggestions on how to best support her motion to the SP for a total ban on the sale of fireworks. In her reply, the MSP said that she intended to lodge a Private Member’s Bill if she is returned after the May election, and we should correspond with Sarah Boyack MSP.

10.2 HM also said that she had received a reply from Mike Pringle MSP about her letter to him about the difficulties experienced in getting road and lighting defects fixed properly. His short answer was that the CEC should act.

10.3 Dr Gilmour said that the gate at the west end of the Innocent Railway Tunnel would shortly be reinstated.

10.4 Concern was expressed about particular shop premises in the area, which had been vacant for a number of years.

10.5 It was reported that a street lamp is not working at the corner of Rankeillor Street and St Leonard’s Street.

10.6 It was reported that there a number of missing tobys, in various parts of the area, which constitute a hazard. Efforts will be made to provide the Council with a list of these.

11. Reports from meetings, conferences, and seminars attended

11.1 Southside Association (9 January)

Attended by MB, CC, MD, CM, GP, KS, and JSt. Police Report, routine matters, and a discussion about the former Odeon Cinema site. The Association proposes to launch a campaign to encourage some activity with the premises. The SCC will support this.

11.2 Edinburgh Core Paths Meeting (10 January)

Attended by Dr Gilmour, who said that the plan for core paths was going ahead, with responsible access for all. The potential for a network of paths for the whole city was the objective, with environmental assessments being carried out, but issues remained to be sorted out with landowners. A lot of good work was going on to establish paths in the city centre. The second phase of the consultation featured a number of events from the end of March to the beginning of June. See www.edinburghcorepaths.org.

11.3 Central Area Housing Board (9 January)

Attended by JS. Discussion about the tenant participation strategy project, and potential new projects.

12. Any other competent business - None.

13. Open Forum - No matters raised.

14. Date of next meeting - Wednesday 14 February, in the Nelson Hall, from 7pm until 9pm.