Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 47th Meeting, held in the Southside Community Education Centre, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 8 June 2005, at 7.00 pm.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT - Vice-Chairperson: Linda Hendry; Elected Members: Jan Fraser (Treasurer), and Carol McHugh; Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), and Jean Downie; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton, Helen Butler, and Claire MacGregor; Members of the Public: Two.

1. Welcome & Apologies for absence

Linda Hendry welcomed everyone to the Meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Giulia Dawson, Mary Devine, Sandra McCormick, Jo Scott (Chair), Keith Smith, Cllr Robert Cairns, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report - None.

3. Minutes of AGM of 11 May 2005, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JF, and seconded by RB. There were no matters arising.

4. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of 11 May 2005

Approved; proposed by JF, and seconded by HB.

5. Matters arising

Item 9 (Meadows Festival) - CC said that the wet weather contributed to the poor turnout. JF felt that the marquee (provided by the CEC) was too cramped for the 5 groups which used it, and more publicity material was required for future participation. LH mentioned that it was possible to buy inexpensive pavilions for use at such events, and it was agreed to investigate further.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 CC said that he had written to the former Treasurer, Derek Christie, thanking him on behalf of the members for his work over the past few years. Derek would continue as webmaster until an alternative could be found.

6.2 The next half-yearly Community Council Joint Meeting would be held in the City Chambers on 20 June, and CC asked for up to 3 members to attend. He and RB hoped to be present.

6.3 Cllr Cairns had sent a map of the proposed new local government boundaries. The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland had also sent detailed information on their proposals, representations about which should be submitted by 25 August 2005 (see www.lgbc-scotland.gov.uk). The relevant proposed new multi-member ward would be called Southside and Newington, with a forecast number of electors in 2007 at 24,080, and with 4 elected members. The total number of Councillors for the city will remain at 58.

6.4 The ASCC had sent a copy of their latest newsletter, together with their report into the study they had made on Community Planning, and their recommendations for a model process and guidance on the subject.

6.5 The Secretary said that Jo Scott had written a short article for possible inclusion in the June edition of The Southsider.

6.6 A request had been received from a student at Strathclyde University for members to participate in research on traffic issues and congestion in Edinburgh. Members agreed to take part in this, and CC said that he would ask the student to send an appropriate number of questionnaires.

6.7 Alan Graham, the project manager for the Southside Town Centre Improvement Project had written to ask if he could make a presentation to the SCC on the proposed repaving works between Chambers/Infirmary Streets, and Nicolson Square/Hill Place. CC would see if Mr Graham could attend the September meeting.

6.8 CC said that the annual memberships of the EACC (£10), and the ASCC (£15) had recently been renewed.

6.9 The Dumbiedykes Residents’ Association had recently had a change in office bearers, and CC said that he would contact them to find out whether they wished to send a representative to the SCC meetings.

6.10 He said that following the Westminster constituency boundary alterations, and the May General Election, Gavin Strang was now the ex-officio member of the SCC instead of Alastair Darling, and he had written to him asking if he wished to receive the minutes.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary.

7. Treasurer’s Report

Jan Fraser said that the changeover had not been completed, and that she did not have an up-to-date bank statement. It was agreed that a third member (probably LH) be invited to become a signatory to the account, with Jan and Jo Scott.

8. Correspondence

Advertising material etc was circulated, as well as the following items:-

8.1 Copy letter from Dr Gilmour to Cllr Cairns thanking him for his support with the project to upgrade the Thornybauk Steps and the subsequent adoption of them by the CEC.

8.2 Letter from Keith Smith thanking the SCC for its contribution to the kitchen refurbishment.

8.3 Lothian & Border Police June newsletter.

8.4 Notice of the Cockburn Association’s AGM, and future activities.

8.5 The June 2005 report from Cllr Anderson, Leader of the CEC.

8.6 Proposed Amendments to the Controlled Parking Scheme - the only local one being to redefine the length of the double yellow line on the north side of South College Street.

8.7 The 2005/06 Annual Service Plan from the L&B Police.

8.8 Issue 1 of Capital Tenant Central (Housing Area Boards Quarterly Publication).

8.9 Centrepiece Issue for May 2005 (Edinburgh City Centre Management Company’s Newsletter).

8.10 3rd Newsletter on Central Edinburgh’s Traffic Management.

8.11 Information on how to obtain a free fitted smoke alarm (0800 169 0320), and an offer from the Fire Brigade to attend a SCC meeting.

8.12 Issue 8 of the employment and inclusion newsletter Working Capital, from the CEC.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

The Secretary reported on the following

9.1 Objection lodged for LHC Licence (4 am Fri/Sat) at 10 Forrest Road, and acknowledged.

9.2 PA for alterations etc to shop at 50-54 S Clerk St, to which an objection had been sent, was refused; and

9.3 Also 50-54 S Clerk St - previous PA for change of use from retail to restaurant which was refused - an appeal has been lodged with the SE.

9.4 PA for change of use from shops to bar/restaurant at 10-18 Forrest Road, to which an objection had been lodged, was granted.

9.5 Other minor matters were discussed. It was thought that the PA for the site of the former Odeon Cinema would be considered by the Planning Committee in the next few weeks. CC said that the Planning sub-committee, which met as required, needed more members, and JF offered to join it.

10. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

10.1 CMacG said that one of the new railings in Montague St had been broken, (probably by careless use of a bicycle locking device) and that she was waiting to hear whether bicycle racks would be installed in the street.

10.2 She reported that she had taken part in a tree survey in McDonald Rd, and having received tuition on the subject, proposed to conduct a survey of trees in the area. She distributed some leaflets about maintaining trees, and the TreeFest in Inverleith Park.

10.3 She observed that the damaged bollards in Clerk St corridor had not been repaired, and that one was now broken off altogether. CC said that he had not had an acknowledgement from CEC of his letter about this and related subjects, including the next item.

10.4 Hilary McDowell (Chairperson of Newington Residents’ Association) had sent a copy e-mail she had written to Cllr Cairns about the 2 plywood sheets covering a large hole in the pavement outside 63 S Clerk Street since August 2004; and

10.5 She also sent a copy e-mail written to the Director of E&CS expressing her concerns (shared by other local residents and St Peter’s Church) about the large accumulation of rubbish and furniture which had been left at the west end of Lutton Place for some time. It had been stated at the South LDC meeting that daily uplifts were to take place during the students’ end of term period, but this did not appear to be happening.

10.6 Information about National Poop Scoop Week (27 June - 3 July) was circulated.

10.7 Information had been received from WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) on environmental projects, landfill tax funding etc.

11. Reports from Meetings Attended:-

11.1 Southside Association (7 June)

Attended by CC, and JF, who reported that Morag Black, from Moray House, had discussed the continuing largely successful efforts to let the Egyptian teachers have some positive experience of life in the city by means of informal social evenings with local people and groups; football matches using mixed teams of local youths, members of the police, and the teachers; and visits to historic and scenic attractions. Discrimination by some locals had more or less ceased following these inclusive activities, as it had been demonstrated that the teachers were not illegal immigrants. Mrs Black was keen to see further involvement from groups such as the SA, and said that members were welcome to join them in away day visits, and social occasions.

11.2 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee - no meeting held.

11.3 Southside & Old Town Community Safety Forum (17 May)

Attended by CC, JS, and JF, who reported that the guest speaker, Bill Anderson, a former policeman whose beat had once been in the Southside, had given members a talk on his career, highlighting the part played in crime prevention then by children from Preston Street Primary School. An arrangement made to hold an open day had subsequently been postponed.

11.4 Edinburgh Civic Forum (12 May)

Attended by JS, who had sent a note saying that the meeting was largely concerned with the Waterfront Development; minutes would be available in due course.

11.5 South Edinburgh Local Development Committee (30 May)

Attended by JS, and CC, who said that most of the evening had been taken up by the continuing saga of containerisation in Warrender Park Terrace, and that very little time had been left for the update on NHS 24 Lothian, Police Report, and public questions. Information on CIMS (street cleanliness) scores was available.

11.6 Southside Community Networking Event (18 May)

Held in the Square Centre Cafe at the Methodist Church, and attended by CC, JS, KS, and Cllr Cairns. This was the initial attempt to revive the former lunch meetings held in the Community Centre, although the time has moved to 5.30 pm. CC said that a good number of members from local interest groups had attended, and heard about the University of Edinburgh’s proposals for the area, including the Potterow car park site, and the Odeon site. It was decided to hold such teatime meetings twice yearly.

11.7 ‘Understanding New Structures for Service Delivery’ (17 May)

Held in the City Chambers and attended by RB, who said that he had been able to attend 2 of the 3 presentations arranged by Capital City Partnership. One was an outline of the new Children and Families Dept and the other on Community Health Partnerships.

11.8 EACC AGM (4 June)

Attended by Dr Gilmour, who said that a presentation had been made by an academic from Aberdeen University on the new voting system for local government, and its implications. It had been noted that the loss of playing fields throughout the city was a matter of concern. Some positive response had been made by CEC on the EACC’s formal statement on Community Planning, and the EACC viewed that giving preference to SIP areas was wrong. There was a vacancy on the Executive from the Edinburgh East constituency.

11.9 Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Seminar (13 May)

Held at the Engine Shed, and attended by JS, who had sent a report saying that delegates were informed about CEC arrangements to provide information under the Act, and that notes would follow.

Minutes of many of these meetings are usually available from the Secretary.

12. Any other Competent Business - None.

13. Open Forum - No matters raised.

14. Date of Next Meeting

This was arranged for Wednesday 14 September 2005, at 7 pm, in the same venue.