Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 50th Meeting, held in the Southside Community Education Centre, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 9 November 2005, at 7.00 pm.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CA = Cockburn Association; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application: LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT - Vice-Chairperson: Linda Hendry; Elected Members: Jan Fraser (Treasurer), Giulia Dawson; Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Mary Devine, and Sandra McCormick; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton, Helen Butler, Claire MacGregor (Tree Warden), and Keith Smith; Lothian & Borders Police: PC Alistair MacKenzie; Members of the Public: 4.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Linda Hendry welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Jo Scott (Chairperson), Jean Downie, Cllrs Robert Cairns and Bill Cunningham, and Sarah Boyack MSP. The Secretary said that since Jo Scott was unable to attend, some items on the agenda would be held over or discussed more fully at the December meeting.

2. Police Report

PC Alistair Mackenzie gave a brief report on local matters, saying that auto crime was up. There was a general discussion about the behaviour of students, especially from Pollock Halls of Residence, and the noise made by fireworks being lit at unsocial hours.

3. Minutes of Meeting of 12 October 2005

Subject to the slight amendment at 12.2 (CMacG had put JD in touch with the Tree Officer), the minutes were approved; proposed by JF, and seconded by MD.

4. Matters arising


5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 The Secretary said that a Civic Reception would be held on 12 December to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Community Councils in Edinburgh, and to thank members for their contribution as volunteers. This would replace the usual half-yearly joint meeting between officials of the City Council and members of Community Councils. It was decided that JS, LH, and CC would attend, with RB as a substitute if required.

5.2 He said that he had received a discussion paper by the SE entitled ‘What can we do to help Community Councils fulfil their role?’ - this is also available on www.scotland.gov.uk. This is a review of the CC system, in which their effectiveness and role as a local tier would harness good practice, and identify areas of weakness. It may be decided that there is a need to modernise the current legislative requirements, and to standardise CC schemes in Council areas throughout Scotland. Replies to be submitted by 28.2.06.

5.3 He circulated a copy of the Cockburn Association Magazine for autumn 2005.

5.4 The Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links autumn newsletter was circulated.

5.5 The ASCC conference would take place on 19 November in Pitlochry. He said that Jo Scott planned to attend, and she had asked him to invite another member to accompany her.

5.6 CC said that he had received the website user statistics from Derek Christie. It was necessary to find a replacement for Derek as soon as possible.

5.7 He said that some students from Napier University were doing a project on Infirmary Street Baths, and Robert Hodgart had been helping them with some information on the subject.

5.8 The Secretary said that it was hoped to have storage facilities at the Nelson Hall for the SCC paperwork, and that it was desirable to purchase a laptop computer and printer for members to use in the Hall. It was agreed to apply for a Central LDC grant for these items.

5.9 He asked members to consider writing a short article for the next issue of The Southsider.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary

6. Treasurer’s Report

6.1 JF reported that the balance stood at £991.48.

6.2 It was agreed to contribute £50.00 towards the annual Southside Christmas Lights Ceremony and party.

7. Correspondence

7.1 Letter from Water Customer Panels re public meeting on 3.11.05 (details e~mailed previously; no member could attend).

7.2 A reply on letter re traffic calming possibility in Bernard Terrace had been received; speed surveys to be carried out.

7.3 A letter of thanks for the contribution towards the Robin Cook Memorial Bench had been received from Keith Smith.

7.4 Copies of the Lothian & Borders Police ‘A’ Division October Newsletter were distributed.

7.5 Information on the CEC’s ‘Get up and Go’ programme was circulated.

7.6 Community Volunteers Network – first newsletter.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary

8. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

P = Planning matter, L = Licensing matter

8.1P A petition to the SP, organised by the ASCC, on the possible introduction of a limited third party right of appeal in the planning system was circulated.

8.2L LA for LHC at 4 Teviot Place (objection lodged previously) had been granted.

8.3L LA for LHC at 44 S Clerk St (objection lodged previously) had been continued until 25.11.05 for a report by the Chief Fire Officer.

8.4L LA for second hand dealer’s licence at 47a S Clerk St (objection lodged previously) had been granted subject to standard conditions (inc the prohibition of storing merchandise on the pavement). It was noted that goods were still on display on the pavement. The applicant had told an SCC member that he felt that he was being treated unfairly, since there was no enforcement of this rule for shops which had fruit and vegetables on display outside.

8.5L JS had received a list of food premises (restaurants and takeaways) in the city from the CEC following her enquiry about permitted opening hours; however it had not been possible to provide information on these hours without paying as the cost would be in excess of £600.

8.6P Representation had been made on a PA to install removable mesh grilles on 2 windows at 54-56 East Crosscauseway.

8.7P Representation made previously on restoration of stone cope and railings at Nicolson Square (east side only) had been considered material; new PA featured improvements to all 4 sides however.

8.8P Objection lodged to PA for installation of mezzanine floor and alterations and change of use from restaurant to hot food takeaway at 58 Newington Road.

8.9P Representation made about PA to install roller shutters at 29-36 St Leonard’s St.

8.10 HMO Licence applications - 4 received in period since last meeting.

9. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

9.1 CMacG said that the damaged tree had been removed from St Patrick Square, and that she was in touch with CEC officials about replacement(s). There was some discussion about flower beds and trees. (This subject will be an agenda item at the December meeting).

9.2 Some members expressed their concern that males were seen urinating in public, including during daylight hours, at various locations around the Southside.

10. Consultations:-

10.1 Primary School Rolls

CC had submitted a brief response to the CEC’s consultation on the strategic management of falling primary school rolls.

10.2 Working from Home Guideline (Draft), Development of Quality Handbook

CC and JS had examined the proposals and thought they seemed eminently sensible.

Further information on either of the above matters is available from the Secretary.

11. Reports from Meetings Attended:-

11.1 Southside Association (1 November)

Attended by CC, JF, KS, JS, and SMcC who reported that Keith had given a talk on the Nelson Hall, with details of its history, the campaign to have it restored, and its future use for local activities. There had been a police report, and routine matters were discussed.

11.2 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (8 November)

Attended by CC, and KS who said that the signing of the deed of renunciation to transfer the Crags Sports Centre to Edinburgh Leisure had recently taken place, thus ensuring the continuation of the facility. There would be an open day on the afternoon of 27 November. He said that the £30,000 investment in the new kitchen for the Centre was complete apart from some minor problems. He said that the keys for the Nelson Hall would be handed over as soon as the CEC was satisfied that the upgrade had been satisfactorily completed, and that the Management Committee would then be responsible for both premises. He said that he was greatly impressed by the work, and that there would be a series of open events there to publicise the venue.

11.3 Southside Community Network (18 October)

Attended by HB, RC, JS, and CC, who said that speaker was Alice McGlone, the CEC’s Housing Department’s Development Officer, and that she had discussed affordable housing.

11.4 Central LDC (2 November)

Attended by HB, RC, CMacG, JS, KS, and CC who reported that a presentation on Services for Communities had been given by that new department’s designate director, Mark Turley.

11.5 Canongate Youth Project (31 October)

Attended by LH, who said that a move from the South Bridge Resource Centre to the former St Ann’s Community Centre was under consideration, and a site visit would take place there. The Children’s Commissioner would attend the launch of the CYP’s Annual Report on 25 November.

11.6 South LDC Environmental Forum (25 October)

Attended by CC, who said that much of the discussion was naturally about south Edinburgh. There had been a useful update on recycling matters.

11.7 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (24 October)

Attended by JS. Report held over.

11.8 Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (15 October)

Attended by JS. Report held over.

11.9 HMO Partnership Group (24 October)

Attended by JS. Report held over.

11.10 Licensing Forum (17 October)

Attended by JS. Report held over.

11.11 Multi-material Recycling Scheme Presentation (3 November)

Attended by CMacG, who reported that Cllr Cairns had chaired an excellent meeting; there had been various speakers on waste strategy and recycling, including Abitibi (www.abitibiconsolidated.com). There was an update on the new multi-material scheme.

11.12 Central Area Housing Board (25 October)

Attended by JS. Report held over.

12. Lothian Road/Cowgate/Grassmarket Action Plan

Cllr Wigglesworth (Tollcross) had e~mailed the Secretary on a proposal for action on the Cowgate through to Lothian Road, including the pros and cons of ending the night-time closure of the Cowgate. CC distributed a copy of the relevant paper and asked members to consider it so that it could be discussed more fully at the December meeting.

13. Any other Competent Business

13.1 HB said that whenever there was heavy rain, the path from Brown St to the front door of the Crags Sports Centre became flooded, and also that one of the downpipes appeared to have been broken. KS said that he would report these problems to the appropriate department.

14. Open Forum


15. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 14 December 2005, 7 pm, same venue.