Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 67th meeting, held on Wednesday 13 June 2007, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT: Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB}; Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson) {LH}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and George Pitcher {GP}; Co-opted Members: Jean Downie {JD}, Carol McHugh {CM}, and Keith Smith {KS}; City of Edinburgh Council: Cllr Steve Burgess {SB}; Southside Tree Warden: Claire Macgregor; Arcade Architects: Alison Blamire and Thomas Hamilton; University of Edinburgh: Angus Currie, and Graham Bell; Members of the public: Five. Cllr Cameron Rose joined the meeting at about 8.30pm, after his surgery.

Robert Beaton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Liz Mulligan, and Sarah Boyack MSP.
2. Presentation by Angus Currie, Director of Estates and Development, University of Edinburgh

Robert introduced Angus Currie, who introduced his Depute Director, Graham Bell. Angus, saying that the University was the fourth biggest business in the city, gave an update on numerous developments which were under way. These include improvements to the 1960s and 1970s building stock, the streetscape and public realm, residential stock including joint student/backpacker accommodation, and to travel and transport matters. He described the Holyrood/Pleasance masterplan, and said that the Council’s planning department had endorsed it in March, following consultation and comments. Provision of 25% social housing would feature in the refurbishment of some buildings. The successful sports area would be extended, and following the relocation of the Medical School to Little France, refurbishment of buildings in George Square and Bristo Place was going on. The refurbishment of the Hugh Robson Building was almost over, and the Appleton Tower lecture theatres were being improved while work was going on in the upper floors, a new entrance constructed, and a feasibility study would be undertaken to improve the exterior in due course. Plans were in the pipeline for improving the Adam Ferguson Building. All these plans necessitated a complicated series of moves and reshuffles. Space between buildings and departments were being examined, as well as landscaping and signage. A long term refurbishment of the main library was in progress, and remote storage was at the Gyle.

In summary, Angus said that there had been significant progress and investment in the University’s plans for its own premises, and the general environment.

Answering a question about the Dick Vet School, Angus said that the clinical and pre-clinical veterinary services had joined, and were now located at Easter Bush. A development brief for the building was in preparation. There was a new building planned for Pollock Halls, and the John McIntyre Centre would be refurbished. After some more questions, members thanked Angus for his presentation.

3. The Causey Project, a report by Arcade Architects

Robert introduced Alison Blamire and Thomas Hamilton from Arcade Architects, who gave a short presentation on the Causey Project, which had taken place over the long weekend at the end of May. They summarised how they had arranged the project, which consisted of transforming the traffic island and road at the west of West Crosscauseway into a car-free zone (thereby reclaiming it for people) resembling a tropical island for the period, at fairly short notice following an award from the Six Cities Design Festival. They had secured the services of 20 volunteers for the weekend, and the project opened people’s eyes to the potential for such car free zones, both there and elsewhere. Many useful suggestions had been left on a wish tree, and it was generally agreed that people liked the idea of the space being public. More information on www.arcadearchitects.com/thecausey

George Pitcher left the meeting to attend another engagement.

4. Police Report

No police officer was able to attend.

5. Minutes of AGM held on 9 May 2007, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by CM. There were no matters arising.

6. Minutes of ordinary meeting held on 9 May 2007, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by CM. Item 1, regarding security lights outside the Crags Sports Centre, the Secretary had heard from the City Council that Edinburgh Leisure were responsible for installing their own lights. Item 9.2, Braidwood Centre, it was reported that the issue of responsibility for managing the centre was taking some time to resolve. Item 11.3, the tennis courts in East Meadow Park were now operational.

7. Secretary’s Report

7.1 The Secretary thanked Dr Gilmour for informing the SCC that in a written answer at the Scottish Parliament John Swinney had said that the Scottish Executive will look at what steps are required to give greater responsibility to Community Councils, and with regard to any statutory devolution of budgets and decision-making powers to Community Councils, the SE intends to seek the views of Parliament and relevant stakeholders.

7.2 He reminded members about the AGM of the EACC on 30 June at the City Chambers. It was noted that a representative from each of the new Neighbourhood Partnerships will be asked to serve on the EACC’s Executive.

7.3 The ASCC has a new Administrator, Eileen Capaldi. office@ascc.org.uk.

7.4 He said that induction training would soon be given for members of the Neighbourhood Partnerships, and that he, JS, and RB had made arrangements to participate. The first full public meeting would take place after the summer holiday period, but there would be a meeting for members to discuss operational business matters at the end of June.

7.5 He said that he had received details of Scottish Water’s proposals to locate their new water treatment works at Glencorse.

7.6 The Secretary said that the SCC’s website (hosted by visps, a division of Tiscali) had been out of operation for a number of weeks, and that efforts to have it reinstated had failed. He had asked Professor Mike Fourman, from the UoE’s Department of Informatics if a post-graduate student could assist with the construction of a new site. A positive response was obtained and he awaited further contact.

7.7 He informed members of a lecture, arranged by Edinburgh At Risk, by Andy Wightman, on ‘Community Ownership of Land in Edinburgh’ to be held on 27 June, and some members thought that they would be able to attend.

7.8 He said that it appeared that the discussions by the various parties with an interest in the former Odeon Cinema were continuing. The SCC’s planning group were shortly to have a site visit, arranged by the owners, Duddingston House Properties.

8. Treasurer’s Report

JSt said that the bank balance at 18 May 2007 was £593.81.

9. Correspondence

Items received: Scottish Health Council News, Issue 4; and centrepiece June issue.

10. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


10.1 Objection lodged to PA for construction of students’ residences containing 149 rooms and two warden’s flats at Pollock Halls of Residence on grounds of height and mass, as well as a great loss of green space; considered material. (07/01423/FUL).

10.2 Objection lodged to PA for change of use of shop to form café and takeaway at 51 Nicolson Street on grounds of excessive concentration of such premises in the area. (07/01785/FUL).

10.3 Objection, lodged previously to subdivide a lounge at 1 Lutton Place, considered material. (07/01187/LBC).

10.4 A copy of the finalised Edinburgh City Local Plan had been received. Copies are available in libraries.


10.5 Liquor licensing lists received; no comment required.

10.6 Renewal for licence for tanning shop at 43 South Clerk Street received; no comment required.

10.7 A copy of the draft Gender Equality Scheme for use by the City of Edinburgh Licensing Board had been received; it was not considered necessary to comment, and the Secretary would acknowledge its receipt.

10.8 Six copy HMO LAs had been received in the period.

11. Report from the Southside Tree Warden

Claire Macgregor reported that the new trees around the Magnet Play area had now been properly staked, and that the dead hawthorn tree in Brown Street had been removed.

12. Environmental Matters

12.1 HM said that the ends of the footpaths in the Meadows towards the east end of Melville Drive were not aligned with the pedestrian crossing there, and some footpath reconfiguration was required. JS will contact Mike Shields from the Parks Dept.

12.2 HM also mentioned a drain at the east end of Melville Drive which always seemed to be blocked, leading to severe ponding.

12.3 There was a discussion about the possibility of applying for a grant to purchase shrubs to be planted on the slope opposite the Crags Sports Centre, at Braidwood Gate, and it was suggested that a wild garden might be more appropriate. It was decided to ask the management of the Sports Centre.

12.4 HM said that there were a number of long-term water leaks all over the area.

12.5 It was noted that four planters had been installed outside the Royal Commonwealth Pool, and that the handrail there had been painted.

12.6 Proposed amendments to the TRO to waiting and turning restrictions in Crichton Street and Marshall Street had been received.

12.7 Proposed amendments to the Controlled Parking Scheme, redefining the positions of public parking spaces in Richmond Place, Roxburgh Street, and West Adam Street, had been received.

12.8 ‘Love Parks Week’ a national campaign to raise awareness about the role parks play in the community, runs from 16-24 June. Comments may be submitted on www.greenstat.org.uk.

13. Reports from meetings attended:-

13.1 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (14 May)

Attended by LH, who reported that 36 trainees were preparing for the ‘Get Ready for Work’ Programme. As part of the fundraising campaign for both the CYP’s 30th Anniversary, and for charity work in Malawi, some youths had been bag-packing at supermarkets, and for the same purposes, a concert would be held in The Queen’s Hall in due course.

13.2 EACC & Edinburgh Partnership Meeting (10 May and 6 June)

10 May - Attended by JS at the City Chambers, who said that the meeting had been very poorly attended and therefore inconclusive.

6 June – Attended by LH, GP, and SB at Murrayfield Stadium. LH reported that there had been a presentation from ‘Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’ by Mike Robinson, and group discussions on various environmental matters. LH suggested that Mike Robinson be invited to a local meeting.

13.2 Southside Association (29 May and 6 June)

The AGM was held on 29 May, hosted, courtesy of the UoE, in the Appleton Tower, and the same office bearers and committee were re-elected. Afterwards there was a party for former Councillor Cairns. At the regular meeting on 6 June, there had been a police report, which included a warning about Romanian pickpockets operating in Nicolson Street and Clerk Street. Consideration had been given to the arrangements for the Christmas Lighting Ceremony, and who should be invited to switch the lights on. An attempt would be made to get the CEC to install permanent lights on the existing trees, similar to those in the Grassmarket.

13.3 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (12 June)

Keith Smith paid tribute to his former colleague, Robert Murray, who had died recently after a short illness. He said that there had been an analysis of the Centre’s recent 25th Anniversary activities. There had been a successful exhibition, a packed concert, and various summer projects, and a commemorative book of reminiscences. The Centre’s AGM would be held on 18 September.

13.4 Southside and Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (15 May)

MD reported that this had been a very well-attended AGM, at which the same office bearers were re-elected. She distributed copies of the minutes. The meeting had been preceded by visits to the mobile cctv van which was parked outside for the purpose.

14. Any other business

14.1 MB said that the cake shop next to the Post Office in South Clerk Street appeared to be operating as a café, and she thought that it was not licensed to do so. Enquiries would be made.

14.2 CC and MD reported that drunks had been migrating from Nicolson Square to the children’s garden at Brown Street, and the police had been monitoring the situation.

14.3 CM wondered if there should be CCTV coverage at the Magnet Play area.

14.4 JS said that the next meeting of the Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links would be on 18 June.

14.5 JD said that she had three future meetings of the Pharmacy Planning Committee.

14.6 JD wondered about a previous proposal to visit the new CEC HQ in Market Street. Afternote: Cllr Burgess had ascertained that this was possible, and CC will provide further details in due course.

14.7 JSt asked if the hearing loop had been effective, but it was still causing problems.

15. Open Forum

15.1 Rochine Farrington asked about plans by the CEC to deregulate parks for development. Cllr Rose said that this was absolutely not the case, in a general sense, but there could be small parts for exceptional circumstances. Afternote: Cllr Rose confirmed that it was not the CEC’s intention to seek a suspension of the relevant Act in relation to any Common Good parks other than Princes Street Gardens, where there were proposals to renew the Ross Theatre.

15.2 Jeff Haddow asked about the demise of the Holyrood ICT Centre. There was nothing to be done about this in the absence of secure funding.

15.3 Caroline Barr reported again that the recycling bins at the east end of Rankeillor Street were sited too close to the dropped pavements, preventing her from using that space for crossing the street in her wheelchair. CC to complain to the Council.

15.4 Dr Gilmour reminded people that Holyrood Park Road would be closed to traffic for the duration of the Duathlon, and the Moonwalk, on 16 June.

15.5 Dr Gilmour said that the Neighbourhood Watch system appeared to have been resurrected by the Police, at least for East Parkside.

15.6 Colin Symes outlined the forthcoming alterations to the Community Church Edinburgh following the relocation of the Christian School to Newcraighall. Classrooms would be refurbished and used for pastoral rooms and counselling. Changes would be made to the galleries in the Church to create a new floor.

16. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 12 September, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Gray Room, Nelson Hall.