Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 68th meeting, held on Wednesday 12 September 2007, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT: Vice Chairperson: Linda Hendry {LH}, Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, and Julia Wilding (JW), City of Edinburgh Council: Cllr Gordon Mackenzie; Southside Tree Warden: Claire Macgregor; Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; Members of the public: Four. Cllr Steve Burgess joined the meeting at 8.20pm, after his surgery.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Linda Hendry welcomed everyone to the meeting. Julia Wilding was welcomed to her first meeting in her capacity as the nominated representative for Parkside Terrace Residents’ Association, replacing Idris Bozyil. Apologies for absence were received from Robert Beaton (Chairperson) {RB}; Jean Downie {JD}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Carol McHugh {CM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, George Pitcher {GP}, Keith Smith {KS}, Liz Walker {LW}, Cllr Ian Perry, Cllr Cameron Rose, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report

PC Merrick said that after some 14 days of police observation and control, the drunks had moved from Nicolson Square. The Marchmont area had suffered from a number of housebreakings in the last couple of months, and some arrests were made. He made members aware of some local crime and anti-social behaviour issues. Assaults and robberies had been taking place on the Meadows, by youths from outwith the area. JW was concerned about youths drinking and indulging in anti-social behaviour around Parkside Terrace, East Parkside, and nearby in Holyrood Park. PC Merrick said that the police were aware of this behaviour, and any examples of this here, or anywhere else, should be reported to the police. It was thought that people were camping in the park, and Historic Scotland rangers should be able to deal with this. PC Merrick said that cctv would be installed in the Dumbiedykes estate, at a cost of £1.5M. The police had liaised with the City Council on the positioning of the cameras. JS asked about the absence of the monthly newsletters, and it transpired that they were being produced, but clearly not coming the way of the Community Council. (Afternote: the July edition was received by the Secretary on the following day).

3. Minutes of meeting held on 13 June 2007

Subject to the spelling correction at Item 15.1, where ‘Rochine’ should have read ‘Roisin’ the minutes were approved; proposed by JS and seconded by HM.

4. Matters arising

4.1 (Item 7.4) RB, CC, and JS had attended induction training for the new Neighbourhood Partnerships.

4.2 (Item 12.1) Minor realignment of footpaths with the pedestrian crossing at the east end of Melville drive would be carried out.

4.3 (Item 14.1) It had been established that the cake shop does not need a licence for a small number of seats.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 The Secretary said that following his appeal for help to design and maintain a new website for the Community Council, Philip McDowell had very kindly agreed to do so, and he was introduced to the members. The first task was to find either free, or inexpensive, hosting for the site. The Secretary said that all comments and suggestions from members on the site’s content would be welcome.

5.2 He said that the next Edinburgh Civic Forum Meeting would be held on 18 September. HM hoped to attend.

5.3 The Nelson Hall would again be open for Doors Open Day on 29 September, and he asked members for their help in staffing the premises.

5.4 He had requested and received a copy of the CEC’s ‘Understanding Insurance and Risk Management’ – a guide for Community Groups which organise events.

5.5 He had heard that Cllr Burgess had ascertained that is possible to have group tours of Waverley Court, with a maximum of 12 participants. An arrangement would be made if required in due course. Cllr Mackenzie suggested that an AGM be held there, if practicable.

5.6 He had received the minutes of the City Council and Community Councils Joint Meeting which had taken place in April.

5.7 Under the legislation governing the Electoral Administration Act 2006, the City Council has a duty to review polling districts, places, and stations, with reference to accessibility and quality of facilities. Comments required by 5 October; link on www.edinburgh.gov.uk

5.8 A completed copy of the ASCC 2007 Survey had been submitted.

5.9 He said that the SACRO (Safeguarding Communities - reducing offending) Annual Lecture would take place on 11 October at 5.30pm in the Playfair Library, for an hour. The topic is the need to reform civil society to reduce criminal behaviour, rather than toughening up the criminal justice system. Anyone who wishes to attend should contact CC.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the present bank balance was £457.78. The annual subscription of £15 had been paid to the ASCC.

7. Correspondence

The following items were circulated: June and July minutes from the Braidwood Neighbourhood Centre, information on Scottish Water’s Community Affairs Team, July, August and September issues of centrepiece, WREN’s (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) 2006 Annual Report, Queensferry & District Community Council’s 2007 Annual Report, Working Capital Issue 14, Inside Letting Issue 12, L&B Police Force Communication Centre’s update, minutes of Quartermile’s Good Neighbourhood Relations meeting of 9 May, Tenants’ Voice Issue 65, Edinburgh Tenants’ Federation 2007 Annual Report, PostWatch Scotland Issue 16, CEC’s Leader’s Report for August, Children & Families Service Dept’s Improvement Plan Executive Summary, summer edition of the ASCC’s newsletter, Cockburn Association’s August Newsletter, minutes of Tollcross Community Council’s August meeting, and a request from the Evening News for information suitable for their new feature called ‘Real Lives’ on special birthdays etc of local people.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


8.1 PA for numerous changes to six flats in West Nicolson St – objection submitted and considered material – consent granted (07/02932/LBC)

8.2 PA for student residences containing 149 rooms and two wardens’ flats at Pollock Halls of Residence – objection lodged on grounds of mass, height, and loss of green space, considered material – no decision as yet (07/01423/FUL)

8.3 PA for change of use from sandwich bar and coffee shop to restricted hot food carry-out and café at 67 Clerk Street – objection lodged on grounds of over-provision, contrary to the local plan, objection considered material – no decision yet (07/03424.FUL)

8.4 PA for office development above garages at Reekies Court – objection lodged on grounds of over-development and traffic considerations, objection considered material - no decision yet (07/03356/FUL)

8.5 PA for new front and rear dormers at 103 Newington Road – representation in form of comment lodged to suggest that the new rear dormer be constructed in the style of existing rear dormer in the interests of visual compatibility. (07/03739)

8.6 The organisation ‘Planning Aid for Scotland’ had sent a questionnaire to collect information from Community Councils on how they engage with ethnic minorities and gypsy/travellers with regard to the current Scottish town planning system. JS/CC to complete.

8.7 Members of the Community Council had been invited to a presentation by Duddingston House Properties (proprietors of the former Odeon cinema) and their architects, to view their latest proposals for the premises. An exhibition of these plans is set up at Nicolson Street Community Centre. A closing date for the sale or lease of the building had been set for 14 September. It was the view of the Southside Community Council that it would be preferable for the premises to be used as a cinema.


8.8 Objection lodged for LA for street trader food – no employees licence, 7 days, 0900-2200 at Teviot Place on grounds that there are already two nearby, operating to the detriment of local shops, that these vehicles detract from the visual amenity, and their users contribute to the litter and mess on the streets; objection acknowledged.

8.9 Tanning shop licence renewal for premises at 58a Clerk Street; no comment required.

8.10 The Draft Statement of Licensing Policy from November 2007 until November 2010 had been received for comment.

8.11 Eight HMO LAs had been received since the last SCC meeting; addresses available from CC.

9. Environmental Matters

9.1 Some minor controlled parking scheme amendments regarding Blackwood Crescent and Roxburgh Street had been received, as well as a TRO to introduce a 20mph zone in Lutton Place, Montague Street, Oxford Street, and Rankeillor Street.

9.2 HM said that she had raised some matters with Council officials before the SCNP meeting (10.6 below) including the fact that street light bulbs do not last very long (about 2 months), that broken or missing bollards identified on the April walkabout had not been replaced, and the fact that public toilets in the city were locked at 8pm even during the busy summer months. Enquiries to be made through the new SCNP.

9.3 HM felt that there were insufficient on-street recycling containers; JSt said that she would obtain a list of these so that the matter could be discussed.

9.4 HM raised the subject of traffic lights being installed at the east end of Bernard Terrace (next to the Nelson Hall). It was thought that a traffic census had been carried out there fairly recently, but enquiries would be made through the SCNP.

9.5 MB wondered why vehicles were permitted to park on the pavements at the west end of Rankeillor Street. It was explained that these spaces were private property, and had been gardens at one time.

10. Reports from meetings and lectures attended:-

10.1 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (31 July) Attended by RB; routine business meeting.

10.2 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (20 August)

Attended by LH who reported that budgets had been discussed as well as finalising the plans for the 30th Anniversary Concert which took place in the Queen’s Hall. The CYP would not be moving to St Ann’s Community Centre.

10.3 NHS Lothian Public Partnership Forum (22 August)

Attended by MB and JS. The Forum was not achieving very much.

10.4 Scotland’s Futures Forum Lecture – Engaging Citizens: Communities for the 21st Century (27 August)

Attended by RB, and LH. Content was of more relevance to schools in England and Wales.

10.5 South Area Housing Board (1 August)

Attended by GP, and JS, who said that there had been an election for the position of Chair. There had been an explanation of SCNP from Susan Bruce, and after a discussion on how the Area Board would operate within the new Partnership, it was decided that the South Area Housing Board would become a sub-group. An update on housing projects was given, and there was some feedback from the bus tour in which members had visited some areas where environmental improvements had been made.

(Cllr Burgess arrived)

10.6 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (27 June, 10 September)

Meeting on 27 June attended by RB and CC was a preliminary business meeting.

Meeting on 10 September was attended by RB, CC, and HM, as well as Jo Scott, the SCC’s representative on the Partnership. She reported that venues for these meetings would alternate between Morningside and Southside. Cllr Mark McInnes was confirmed as Convenor, and this role would be taken in rotation for a year by all eight councillors who represent the two wards (Southside/Newington and Meadows/Morningside) in the Partnership. It was decided to adopt the partnership name of South Central Neighbourhood Partnership. Inspector Galbraith gave a detailed explanation of how the police would operate within the new framework, and the Partnership Manager, Susan Bruce, discussed the development of the work plan and options. Consideration was given to the inclusion of a representative from the Edinburgh University Students’ Association, or a representative from all the city’s universities, on the SCNP. Elections for members of a new Community Council in the Prestonfield and Grange area would take place in October. The two local environmental forums, as a component of the SCNP, would meet initially as one, and would then consider if they ought to remain separate. There was confusion about the establishment of a short-term working group for the Meadows, as there already was one in existence; clarification would be sought. JS said that all local community issues could be fed through her to the NP. A member of the SCNP would be delegated to attend Community Council meetings.

10.7 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (10 July, 14 August)

Attended by MB, CC, MD, CM, and JS. Normal management business conducted as well as a review of the 25th anniversary programme, and future lets.

10.8 Southside Association (11 September)

Attended by MB, CC, MD, GP, and JSt. Police report given. An overview of the SCNP was presented by Agnes Renton. Discussion of future activity and speakers, as well as Christmas arrangements.

10.9 Meadows Festival Co-ordinating Committee

Attended by LH, who said that there had a walkabout to locate the various power and water points, and that negotiations had started with the Meadows Festival Charity.

10.10 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Committee Meeting (11 Sept)

Attended by HM and JS, who said that there was great concern about the condition of the Meadows after the various events which had taken place there over the recent months. The SCNP was to form a short-life working group to examine the problems.

11. Any other business

11.1 MD reminded members that the Old Town and Southside Crime Prevention Panel would meet on 25 September, and the panel would be on duty at an open day on 30 September, at Gayfield Square Police Station. She asked for volunteers to assist on the latter date.

11.2 LH welcomed the potential arrival of a new Community Council for Prestonfield and Grange. This would mean that both Council wards would have full Community Council representation.

12. Open Forum

12.1 Caroline Barr was pleased that work to provide dropped kerbs, where they were absent, was to take place in the area. She objected to the positioning of some speed bumps, which were not suitable for wheelchair users. She said that black containers had been properly replaced on their stanchions at last in Rankeillor Street.

13. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 10 October 2007, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Gray Room, Nelson Hall.