Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 85th meeting, held on Wednesday 8 April 2009, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Bob Hodgart {BH}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and Stewart Reid {SR};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor: Gordon Mackenzie {GM}; and
Members of the Public: Three.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Mary Devine, Linda Hendry, Hilary McDowell, Liz Mulligan, George Pitcher, Jo Scott, Keith Smith, Liz Walker, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report - No officer present.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 11 March 2009

Approved; proposed by CM and seconded by JSt.

4. Matters arising

Item 12.2 – the Royal Commonwealth Pool closes for refurbishment at the end of June. See Edinburgh Leisure Website for alternative venues and activities.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 The timetable for Edinburgh Community Council Elections is as follows:

Elected Representatives

Monday 31 Aug Notice of Election (start of nomination period)

Monday 14 Sept Close of Registration (forms to Returning Officer)

Thursday 1 Oct Notice of Poll (if a poll is required)

Thursday 15 Oct Polling Day (if a poll is required)

Nominated Representatives

Monday 31 Aug Notice of Election

Monday 14 Sept Close of Registration (forms to Community Council Liaison Officer)

TBA Meeting of registered Local Interest Groups to elect Nominated Members (if necessary)

Costs for publicity will be covered by the City Council. The Secretary had asked the four local Councillors to select one from their number to act as Returning Officer, and Cllr Gordon Mackenzie was nominated. CC would submit the appropriate paperwork to the Council.

5.2 ECRN – Edinburgh Community Representatives Network. Meeting Saturday 25 April with the theme of ‘Community Engagement within Neighbourhood Partnerships: Rhetoric or Reality’. More details from CC or GP.

5.3 Sarah Boyack MSP will attend the SCC meeting on 13 May 2009.

5.4 Braidwood Neighbourhood Centre – Community Needs Profile (March 2009). Key Findings had been published; copies from CC.

5.5 Edinburgh Standards for Housing – draft approved for consultation purposes. Comments by 30 June 2009. See City of Edinburgh website

5.6 EACC – AGM is to take place on Saturday 20 June 2009 in the City Chambers from 10am until 12.30pm. Agenda from CC.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the balance at 19 March 2009 was £966.10.

7. Correspondence

The following items had been received: The Rock Report Spring 2009, Invitation from The Army Presentation Team to a reception on 6 May, Cockburn Association’s update and events list.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


8.1 Salisbury Hotel representation considered material (09/00169/ADV).

8.2 Archer’s Hall – modified plans. The Lodge House is no longer to be demolished, and the wall onto the Meadows will not be pierced by windows. The CEC’s planning committee has postponed a decision until they can make a site visit.

8.3 Extension to University of Edinburgh’s Existing Centre – PA granted.

8.4 Community Engagement – Making it Work. One day conference on 21 April with the chief planner of the SG as the keynote speaker.

8.5 Advance notice of the pending planning application for the former Wolfson’s building in Bernard Terrace: two doctors’ surgeries with space for associated clinics, and a dental surgery, would relocate to the new premises, and the building would include flatted accommodation.

8.6 A copy of the CEC’s Local Development Plan Scheme for 2009 had been received.

8.7 Consultation on Edinburgh Planning Guidance Alterations to Listed Buildings had been published, with comments required by 5 June 2009. It concerns clarification in relation to policy on kitchen and bathroom alterations.

8.8 Modernising Planning – new procedures for pre-application consultation on National and Major Developments had come in on 6 April 2009, with the purpose of making communities better informed.


8.9 A summary of the EACC Licensing question time meeting on 7 March 2009 had been received; copies from CC.

8.10 HMO applications – nine.

9. Environmental Report

9.1 Week of Action 1

HM sent the following written report: “Much was achieved, but it could have been done more efficiently if the departments had coordinated more as had been promised. The roads dept had been careful not to raise our expectations too high but in fact delivered much more than we had hoped and in all areas. The street cleaning teams did very well despite the fact that parking had not been successfully suspended and they had to brush between and around vehicles. There was a big difference visible over the whole area as they moved through. The team dealing with fly posting on shop frontages and bins started work on Sunday and again it made quite an impact. Notices about gully cleaning (TTROs) only appeared on Monday morning (not several days ahead as might have been useful, especially for Monday’s area), and so gully vehicles had difficulty accessing some gullies. The zoning and suggested regime of work – gully followed by street sweeping while the cars were out of the way – didn’t happen. It was much more piecemeal. The gully team removed all their notices by 3 pm Thursday, despite the week of action plan being that zone 5 was to be tackled on Friday. Much of that appeared not to be serviced by the gully team, but after representation, Salisbury Road was done the following Friday. Much graffiti was removed and children took part in litter picks. The problem of missing toby covers was not addressed. The Police were delighted with what they achieved that week. More news from them in due course. Visits were made to shops by environmental wardens about waste contracts etc. but the opportunity to address the proliferation of A-boards and commercial bins permanently on the front street was missed. The recycling stand in the hub had lots of information, and opportunities for members of the public to feed in information about trouble spots.

At the debriefing session it was agreed that communications and advertising was not as good as it might have been. Very few posters were on show in the north of the area. Much had been said about big signs in places like Lidl, Festival Theatre, etc. but it wasn’t clear to the public as to whether they had been approached by anyone to ask for display of daily updates etc. The Southsider and Outlook were too late to cover the week in advance. The overhead projection of updates didn’t happen in the hub, nor was there any notice on display outside as to the different events each day. The police did a great deal to draw attention to the hub by balloons, displays, etc. The SCC and the Southside Association stall was well manned by our volunteers. The Council staff realise how well we know our area.”

9.2 Week of Action 2

JS sent the following written report: “Please thank all who helped with the Week of Action. I am sure the local people are better informed about the work of the Community Council, Southside Association, Environmental Forum, and the Crime Prevention Panel as a result of their efforts. David Doig, in his report, which I can provide for anyone who wishes to see it, says ‘we had a fantastic input from the local community’. It was good to work alongside Council Officers and Lothian and Borders Police Staff during the week.

The week was very successful although we have also learnt that we could improve on some aspects, should we attempt this type of activity in the future. A disc of activity will be available from video footage and photographs in due course, as will a tape of interviews made by a Napier University student during the week.”

9.2 Week of Action 3

A formal report from the City Council on the Week of Action will be available for the next SCC meeting. Here are some of the final figures:

Environmental Items: 206 Gullies cleaned, 223 road repairs, 13.5 tons of rubbish removed, 90 street lighting repairs, and 155 items of graffiti removed. Police and Crime Prevention: 310 businesses visited, 220 crime prevention surveys, 32 road traffic offences detected, 89 licensed premises visited, and 221 fire prevention surveys. Community Safety: 243 trade waste inspections, 32 street litter control agreements, 147 graffiti removed, 4 minor uplifts, and 35 hours of mobile cctv unit deployment. Community Involvement: 204 visitors to the Hub at the King’s Hall, 106 schoolchildren participating in the daily litter pick and educational activities, 94 bags of rubbish collected on litter picks, and 95 visitors participating in feedback workshops.

9.3 Cllr Burgess had asked that he be sent details of any missing Scottish Water toby covers (with the street location and number of nearest building), so that he could arrange with Robin Harper MSP to liaise with SW for their replacement.

9.4 Care for the Meadows – a seven-clause strategy had been published by the Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links in their efforts to look after the Meadows. This is as follows:

“1. This Events Strategy is based on a desire to maintain the Park in good condition in the long term and to encourage its good and healthy use at all times.
2. Events that meet this aim are to be encouraged and would have our support, but not those which cause damage and loss of amenity.
3. Events therefore should only be allowed which reflect this aim, and in particular there should be no use of heavy vehicles, or equipment and structures requiring mechanical erection.
4. Events that involve fenced-off areas and loss of public access should not last more than five days including set-up and take-down times, and should only be held at least one month apart, and certainly not back to back, nor between October and April.
5. Our greatest concern relates to the over-use of the area east of Middle Meadow Walk, particularly but not exclusively, during the Festival.
6. At times there has been a considerable residential presence on the Meadows. We consider that there should be no over-night occupation.
7. In order to obtain these benefits, there should always be present a clear system of supervision and responsibility.”

Members noted this strategy document.

10. Reports from meetings attended

10.1 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (30 Mar)

RB reported that there had been a presentation from the Scottish Storytelling Centre. This organisation would use the Braidwood Centre as a venue for the Old Town Festival. Preparations were being made to produce a leaflet listing the programme of activities hosted by the Centre. The AGM is to be held on 28 April 2009.

10.2 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (6 Apr)

LH had sent a note to say that some funding for the CYP had been arranged, but more was being sought to keep Options+ and to fill other funding gaps.

10.3 Combined Environmental Forums 1 & 2 (23 March)

JS sent the following written report: “We discussed briefly the week of action in Southside; the other CCs are keen to have action weeks! The participants to be included in the roads project voting, and the Neighbourhood Partnership sub-structures were discussed. There is a move to have a mainly council officer group to deal with Housing and Environmental matters with a very limited input from the community, and the environmental forums becoming a sub group of that group. I am not very happy about this as I feel it is likely to distance the community reps who are interested in these matters from the NP and they are likely to lose interest. The CC secretaries are to get the copies of Roads Project Portfolio—our dropped kerbs are included in those to be voted on.”

10.4 Funding for Community Councils (23 March)

Attended by CC and JSt, who gave a summary of the funding organisations who participated. More info from CC.

10.5 Meadows Festival AGM (2 April)

Attended by LH, JSt, and CC. JSt reported that there had been a successful AGM, and the provisional date for the Festival is the weekend of 6 & 7 June. Fred Mackintosh had agreed to chair the group, with LH as vice-chair, Andy Devenport as Treasurer, and a new minute taker had been acquired.

10.6 South Area Housing Board (26 Mar)

Attended by LM, GP, and JS, who sent the following written report: “We talked briefly about the proposals for 2009/2010 and arranged the bus tour to view these proposals for Saturday 25 April, and the meeting for voting on the proposals for Wednesday 6 May.”

10.7 Southside Association (7 April)

MB, RB, CC, RH, CM, GP, JS had been present. There was a presentation from a couple who had formed a charitable trust with the hope of purchasing the former Odeon building in Clerk Street, and continuing its use as a cinema, as well as a media centre etc. An on-line petition had attracted over three and a half thousand signatures. Historic Scotland would either endorse the CEC’s planning consent, or call the application in for a public enquiry.

10.8 Meeting on holiday lets for Hen and Stag Parties (23 Mar)

Arranged and chaired by Sarah Boyack MSP. JS attended and sent the following written report: “After being stuck in the lift for a short time and having to get a wheelchair for one of our party after using the stairs we discussed the problem of ‘stag and hen’ parties renting flats. These short lets are not covered by HMO legislation and there are great problems in parts of the city with disturbances from these short term tenants. The Southside does not seem to have these problems which are similar in some respects to the problems some areas have with HMO accommodation. It seems that legislation is required to control some uncooperative landlords.”

10.9 Neighbourhood Watch Representatives’ Meeting

Attend by Dr Gilmour, who said that some useful information had been learned, and good networking opportunities had been provided by the presence of the Police and Environmental Officials.

10.10 Causey 2 Project (6 April)

Attended by BH and Caroline Barr. Fundraising was continuing, and the AGM will be in the Nicolson Street Community Centre at 7pm on 11 May. All welcome.

11. Public Question Time

11.1 Jeff Haddow wondered if there was any update on his request for realignment of communal aerials which he had mentioned at the March meeting; CC to take forward.

11.2 Caroline Barr referred to dog fouling, particularly in the garden at Brown Street. Reports should be made to Environmental Wardens, giving dates and times.

12. Any other business - None.

13. Date of next meeting - 13 May 2009. AGM followed by regular meeting.

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