Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 87th meeting, held on Wednesday 10 June 2009, from 7.00pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning and Licensing Convenor) {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, George Pitcher {GP}, and Stewart Reid {SR};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Steve Burgess {SB};
The Scottish Parliament: Sarah Boyack MSP;
EUSA: James Wallace, and Sheona Lawson; and
Members of the Public: Eight.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence

Robert welcomed those present to the meeting, including three geography students from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Apologies for absence were received from Mary Devine, Keith Smith, and PC Tom Hopper.

2. Presentation by a Vice-President, from Edinburgh University Students’ Association, on the results of recent community research.

Robert introduced James Wallace (Vice-President, Services) and Sheona Lawson (campaigns and external affairs co-ordinator). James gave an illustrated presentation detailing the outcome of the EUSA’s research questionnaires, comparing the views of students and non-students in the Southside/Newington Council ward. Further information will be issued in due course. A community guide for students will be produced. After some questions and answers, members thanked them for attending.

3. Presentation from Sarah Boyack MSP

Robert introduced Sarah, who gave a brief resume of some of her recent activities and those of the Scottish Parliament, and distributed copies of her June newsletter. She mentioned the Sexual Offences bill, passed that day, and some individual bills such as looking after victims, trans-fats, absence of disabled parking, and formal planning to minimise flooding of inhabited areas. She discussed the economic outlook for the city, mentioning the huge effort being made by the SP and CEC to engage with the financial sector; the town centre improvement fund from which Tollcross and Southside could benefit; the No 60 bus campaign; the Garvald centre; problems with party flats, mainly in the city centre; how to give greater support to carers; fighting funding cuts to the language department of the U of E; and the former Odeon cinema. After some questions and answers, members thanked Sarah for attending.

4. Police Report

PC Hopper was unable to attend.

5. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 13 May 2009, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by MB and seconded by JS. There were no matters arising.

6. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 13 May 2009, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JS and seconded by CM. Item 7.4 (Licence for Urban Circus, the Meadows) – the hearing is on 19 June. Item 8 – Caroline Barr had made a list of missing utility toby covers, and had forwarded it to Cllr Burgess.

7. Secretary’s Report

7.1 The next meeting of the Edinburgh Civic Forum will be at 4.30pm on Tuesday 16 June in the Business Centre. Minutes of March meeting available..

7.2 Draft Open Space Audit – comments by 10 July. JS to examine. See www.edinburgh.gov.uk/openspacestrategy.

7.3 Next SCC - CC reminded members that nomination papers for individuals and groups have to be submitted to the Returning Officer (Cllr Gordon Mackenzie) by 16 September. The nomination papers are available from his Secretary or CC. He described other aspects of the procedure, and distributed copies of community council information leaflets and the June edition of the EACC newsletter.

7.4 Edinburgh Community Council News May 2009 – copies distributed.

7.5 The Royal Commonwealth Pool closes at 7pm on Sunday 28 June, and will reopen around the summer of 2011.

8. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the most recent balance was £1352.40, which included the annual grant of £500. JSt would ask why the grant was much lower than in previous years.

9. Correspondence


10. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


10.1 Customer Focus Group for Community Groups and Voluntary Organisations – next meeting will be attended by GP and JS.

10.2 Erection of new archery butts and access building, erection of 15 student housing units at 66 Buccleuch Street (08/03150/FUL) – decision ‘minded to grant’.


10.3 LA by Yan Yun for ‘skin piercing/tattooing fixed premises, one year, Mon-Sat, 10.00 to 17.30, at 16 Clerk Street’. No comment required.

10.4 Previous objections sent on 30 April for big top theatres on Meadows; acknowledgement received on 3 June.

10.5 Three copy HMO LAs received since the last meeting.

11. Environmental Report

HM submitted the following report:

“It has been brought to my attention how very effectively the Meadows are being cleared of litter between 7 and 9 am. This was particularly noticeable after the sunny weekend at the end of May. Many BBQs are being used on the Meadows, burning the grass. This matter is due for discussion at the next Short Life Working Group on Friday. Caroline Barr has reported the missing water tobies via Cllr Burgess to Scottish Water. I have also asked SW when the leak on Nicolson St is to be properly fixed, and to inspect the fire hydrants in the surface of Nicolson St which are very low and highly polished and so a cycling hazard. There will be increased police and Council officer presence in Nicolson Square. If necessary ASBOs will be served on people causing trouble. Council staff have visited the HMO flat on Newington Road to remind the students that they are not permitted onto shop roofs. Cllr Rose has been given assurances that a temporary pavement will be in place on the south side of Nicolson Square within two weeks. A-boards continue to be a problem in the south end of the area. We await news on how or if the issues brought up in the Week of Action are to be addressed.”

There was a comment about the overgrowth of bushes around the Crags Sports Centre, and Mike Shields would be asked to arrange for them to be trimmed back as they could be used as a hiding place.

It was agreed to write to David Doig, the Environmental Services Manager, to say that people are pleased with the barrow beats, but there are some items identified from the March week of action which have not been tackled. CC to e-mail.

LH was concerned about the smoke from the many barbeques held in the Meadows over the weekend of 30/31 May.

12. Reports from meetings attended

12.1 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (14 May)

RB said that there was a proposal for a child care group to meet there. Discussion about sources of funding for future programming in the centre. LM was hoping that the IT centre could receive funding to enable it to reopen.

12.2 Community Planning (15 May)

This was the launch of the SCNP Action Plan and RB said that this had been a good networking opportunity.

12.3 Edinburgh Community Councils’ Joint Meeting (1 June)

GP, JS had attended. JS said that after an introduction from Cllr Buchanan (who is responsible for community planning), various workshops had been held; notes to follow.

12.4 Environmental Forum 2 (27 May)

HM, JS reported that staff from the University of Edinburgh had attended, and they were keen to engage with local people and groups. The EF wants to be a stand-alone group rather than be part of the SCNP, with CEC officials attending its meetings. The Open Space Audit was presented by Finlay Martin of the planning dept.

12.5 Friends of the Earth Conference (30 May)

RB said that the SP’s new environmental bill had been discussed.

12.6 HMO Short Life Working Group (21 May)

JS and RB reported that a lively meeting with lots of minute detail had taken place. Policy and procedures were being examined. Locals and students had agreed on many points.

12.7 South Side Community Centre Management Committee (9 June)

Concerns had been expressed about the 25% cut in the sessional budget, which meant a cut in important classes and crèche facilities. Various other management matters were discussed.

12.8 Southside and Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (19 May)

Attended by RB, CC, MD, JS, and Cllr Rose. CC said that annual reports had been presented, office bearers elected for the next two years, and then a wide-ranging discussion headed by PC Tom Hopper took place. It is intended to hold an open day on Saturday 18 July outside Tesco and conduct a public questionnaire. Afternote – this has now been postponed.

12.9 Southside Association (2 June)

Attended by MB, RB, CC, MD, RH, GP, Cllr GM, JS, KS, as well as many others, including new members. There had been an excellent presentation from an education officer from Historic Scotland who worked at Edinburgh Castle, an update on the progress of the Causey Project, a police report, and a very lively discussion about various matters, including the trams project.

12.10 Meadows Short Life Working Group (25 May)

HM reported that a meeting had been called at short notice, with a long list of decisions to be made; however she said that more had been achieved in two and a half hours than had been in three years. A compromise solution to overuse of the Meadows by large events requiring heavy vehicles was the suggestion that major events be limited to five a year, limited to a week for trading and a week in total at each side to ‘get in’ and ‘get out’, and that the events use different plots (encroaching on the areas used by cricketers and footballers). However a delegation which made a presentation to the full City Council had been unsuccessful in preventing the forthcoming large events, and it was likely that a licence would be granted in spite of many objections. The Evans Funfair had not yet applied for a licence (or so it appeared). HM said that Princes Street Gardens are fully restored after the winter activities, yet the same level of attention and funding is not applied to the restitution of the Meadows.

13. Public Question Time

13.1 Caroline Barr said that the Causey 2 Project’s Workshop on 16 June was fully booked. Some new office bearers had been appointed to the West Crosscauseway Association.

14. Any other business

14.1 JSt mentioned the ‘Be the Change’ symposium, hosted by the Edinburgh Climate Network, to be held in the Nelson Hall on 14 June.

14.2 SB suggested that letters be written to Mike Russell MSP in support of the campaign to retain the former Odeon cinema.

14.3 SR had produced a glossy publicity leaflet for the SCC, and a proof copy was circulated. It was agreed to order 1000 at a cost of £255 (or more copies if there was a bargain to be had) for use by members to publicise the group and encourage people to stand for election later in the year.

14.4 CM reported a serious water leak to the south of the Post Office on South Clerk Street.

14.5 MB and HM were concerned that a number of premises in various locations were putting out chairs and tables without appearing to possess or display the appropriate licence. JS to investigate.

14.6 LH mentioned the Meadows Festival which had taken place on 6 and 7 June. Three portable toilets had been set on fire during the early hours of Sunday morning. HM pointed out that there had been no damage to the Meadows from Taylor’s Funfair which had been in operation that weekend.

14.7 The SCC’s webmaster, Philip McDowell, was keen to improve the appearance and content of the website. Any appropriate items for inclusion would be welcome.

15. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 9 September 2009.

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